Brand: ASIN#:B000FG69H2 Manufacturer:Music
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Product Review : Band of Hm Royal Marines
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Band of Hm Royal Marines (Audio CD) Recording of two ceremonial programs (Beating Retreat and Tattoo). The music is played with precision and panache, but the recording dates from 1991, so the quality is not as high as more recent recordings. One for the true fan of military ceremonial. 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Band of Hm Royal Marines (Audio CD) The versatility of this band shows no bounds. The ability to play military, classical or 'pop' music is outstanding. A band of the highest quality. Easily listened to in the car. I would recommend 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful By j green (u.k.) - See all my reviews This review is from: Band of Hm Royal Marines (Audio CD) It would be good to have a short list of marches as on the back cover of the c.d. i.e. newly recorded; sousa; w.w.2; ww1. etc., available to see before buying. the playing is far superior to the regimental marches vol.1 2 3 etc.,time for some new c.ds. !! |
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Product Title : Band of Hm Royal Marines
Product Title : Band of Hm Royal Marines
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