Brand: ASIN#:B006DWW4SA Manufacturer:Decca (UMO)
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Product Name : Wherever You Are
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Product Review : Wherever You Are
56 of 58 people found the following review helpful: This review is from: Wherever You Are (MP3 Download) A beautiful, meaningful piece of music. I hope this makes Christmas number one rather than the usual X-factor tat. Well done girls and release more of the same soon. 53 of 55 people found the following review helpful: By RAF ROK "Ben" (CORNWALL.UK,) - See all my reviews This review is from: Wherever You Are (Audio CD) Well here goes for what its worth,I have been in the Military most of my life and at 63 can say I have seen and heard stuff that still haunts me today.Take a bunch of woman,wives and sweethearts of serving Royal Marines,Royal Navy etc. and just prior to the Marines going to Afghanistan ask the wives,Fancy Joining A Choir Ladies,seeing and feeling the pain and worry of these ladies manifest itself in tears and jumpy nerves brings it into your home,not knowing when there will be a knock on the door and hearing that there has been an incident!involving your loved one and trying to cope with that,Could You. Well Gareth Malone took that bunch of woman and moulded them and called them a choir,he then went to Plymouth and done the same there till the two Choirs were around 100 strong,then he hit them with their first public appearance,the Chivenor choir were going to sing in Barnstable,The Pannier Market no less,that was the start,then again he took them to the exalted... Read more 68 of 71 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Wherever You Are (Audio CD) Ordering a pre - release CD meant that I got my copy early. Lucky me! The song was already so familiar from the radio and television - and it still moved me to tears. Paul Mealor's lovely lyrics, put together from the letters, poems and prayers of the Military Wives and their men as they served in Afghanistan are deeply moving. They are also reproduced on the CD insert, although the words are sung so clearly that they are almost unnecessary. The story of how Gareth Malone put together a choir of military wives and partners to give them an alternative focus for their lives whilst their men were in Afghanistan has now been told many times in the media. Gareth's exploits in forming choirs have been the focus of three previous TV programmes, and his skill in drawing out the best in people via the medium of choral music is unsurpassed. This fourth choir challenge has been the one that has really caught the imagination of the public. This song emerged as a... Read more |
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Product Title : Wherever You Are
Product Title : Wherever You Are
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