Brand: ASIN#:B005CA55O4 Manufacturer:Decca (UMO)
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Product Name : And the Waltz Goes On
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Product Review : And the Waltz Goes On
27 of 27 people found the following review helpful: This review is from: And the Waltz Goes On (Audio CD) Excellent service from Amazon,as usual, fast delivery and great price [�7-19] as I pre-ordered some time ago. I particularly enjoy Swan Lake, We'll meet again and Are you lonesome tonight. Very disappointed that the dvd will not play on our H.D. television. We had the same problem with Forever Vienna, but not with the dvd that came with the last cd. I have watched it on my computer and ,although it's great, it does not appear to be the whole dvd as advertised on the A.R. website. I would hesitate to buy from his website because it does not specify the format. Perhaps Amazon will stock in the future. 19 of 19 people found the following review helpful: By older gamer "Ancient oarsperson" (Portsmouth Hampshire England) - See all my reviews This review is from: And the Waltz Goes On (Audio CD) This was disapointing...a handful of tracks are excellent, but the rest lacked "living music" seeming instead to be big band/concert orchestra offerings. It will sell, as presents to relations who are fans,but will disapoint many of us who expect that bit extra in presentation and arrangement. Buy the D.V.D. Wiener Festwalzer instead, it is excellent..why could this not have been issued as a C.D..the music is fantastic! The disc lacks vibrant presentation, and is not what we have come to expect from this amazing musician and his orchestra!! Why do we now have a digially re-mastered Christmas D.V.D. "newly released"? I think Queen Victoria would not have been amused! 19 of 19 people found the following review helpful: By Sophie (Fife, Scotland) - See all my reviews This review is from: And the Waltz Goes On (Audio CD) Disappointed in that the DVD is in German but the English subtitles are only partly readable. The first line is shown but the rest is below the screen. I switched it off because it was quite irritating not to be able to follow what was being said. |
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Product Title : And the Waltz Goes On
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