Brand: ASIN#:B00076YOPY Manufacturer:CLASSICAL
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Product Name : Beethoven: Complete Symphonies
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Product Review : Beethoven: Complete Symphonies
47 of 50 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Beethoven: Complete Symphonies (Audio CD) I started investigating and listening to classical music in late 2000 and into 2001. This Barenboim Beethoven cycle was recorded in 1999 and first released in 2000, so I must have just missed hearing about it and the acclaim it received. Fortunately I have now discovered it, and this 2004 reissue, which was lost in Amazon's cloud due to faulty labelling. This is a true Brilliant-style box, no jewel cases, six discs in cardboard sleeves and an excellent 108-page booklet.With the emergence of the HIP (historically informed performance) movement, some Beethoven listeners have come to prefer the sleeker, faster style that was apparently the way the works were originally performed, which can be heard in the cycles led by... Read more 20 of 22 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Beethoven : Symphonies Nos 1 - 9 & Overtures (MP3 Download) I am not a musician or a musicologist, but I know what I like. I couldn't tell a crochet from a quaver. Ludwig Van would have written his music to entertain folks like me, who would buy a ticket to see and hear his works performed. I love Beethoven's music, and have committed so much of his compositions to memory that I can hum along with most of it. What could be termed as my default Beethoven symphonies are a collection from Herbert von Karajan and the Berlin Symphony Orchestra that I bought and got to know way back in the 80's. That interpretation is workman-like, and competent - but rather pedestrian to my ears. In fact, most of Karajan's interpretations are like this to me. The Beethoven symphonies are so well known, and so frequently performed that they can become rather over-familiar and somewhat stale. I thought the time was right out of boredom to try a different interpretation. Barenboim's collection looked splendid value. Having a collection of his piano works I... Read more 22 of 26 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Beethoven: Complete Symphonies (Audio CD) I also have the Beethoven set played by the Tonhalle orchestra under David Zinman, which I find generally to lack sparkle and enthusism.This set by Barenboim is the opposite, played with drive and passion and (to my ears) beautiful tempi. Demonstration quality recording. |
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Product Title : Beethoven: Complete Symphonies
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