Brand: ASIN#:B00000427L Manufacturer:Decca (UMO)
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Product Review : Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 1-4
42 of 44 people found the following review helpful: By A Customer This review is from: Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 1-4 (Audio CD) I find that these recordings are very deeply felt by both the soloist and conductor.I always like the way Vladimir Ashkenazy interprets these concertos. It is all the more enjoyable that he plays in such an unselfish manner and allows the music to properly flow. There is a tune near the beginning of the third concerto which I can show as an example. There are plenty of brilliant pianists, but so many of them overcook the romanticism and show off too much. It takes a musical giant like Ashkenazy to be able to hold himself back for the sake of the music. Being a professional orchestra player, I have played with quantities of great pianists. When I heard Ashkenazy he was incredibly brilliant and had wonderful musical flair. 28 of 30 people found the following review helpful: By Tenor man "pesagio" (Verwood) - See all my reviews This review is from: Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 1-4 (Audio CD) Although it is possible that some prefer the playing of Michelangi for these recordings, i believe they are being short-sighted. On this record Ashkenazy demonstrates his Russian training and interpretation, thus getting much closer to the style that befits Rachmaninov! I recommend this album strongly if you strive to hear these well known concertos in the Russian style they were composed! But if you strive for a western style of interpretation then don't buy this! Ashkenazy performs all of the four concertos with his typicall musicalaty that never fails to provoke thought, but his performane of the 2nd deserves special mention! And not forgetting the fine LSO playing throughout, admirally conducted By Andre Previn! 38 of 42 people found the following review helpful: By pfvll (UK) - See all my reviews This review is from: Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 1-4 (Audio CD) No question that Ashkenazy, Argerich, & Michelangeli are geat pianists and that their Rach recordings are among the best. But two other interpreters are so outstanding that their recordings are...what can one say...transcendent ?The recordings by Rachmaninov himself are benchmarks and beyond reproach. Unfortunately he lived at a time when recording technology was primitive, although modern restoration specialists have made a wonderful job of bringing his recordings to life on the Naxos Historical label. I recommend these to any music lover who can accept the limitations of less-than-perfect recording for the sake of hearing exactly what this extraordinary composer intended. If one cannot put up with the shortcomings of restored mechanical/electric recording technology, then the next best option is Horowitz, on whom Rachmaninov himself had conferred his blessing. But, beautiful as they are, the sound quality of the Horowitz recordings falls short of what we expect today... Read more |
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Product Title : Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos. 1-4
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