Brand: ASIN#:B00004Z32Y Manufacturer:Philips Classics
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Product Name : Górecki: Symphony No.3
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Product Review : Górecki: Symphony No.3
46 of 46 people found the following review helpful By TV Producer (UK) - See all my reviews This review is from: G�recki: Symphony No.3 (Audio CD) Much less familiar than the famous Dawn Upshaw recording, this is in many ways even better than that superb recording. Here the orchestra is recorded to better and fuller effect, with the basses and cellos given wonderful prominence particularly in the First Movement. Joanna Kozlowska gives a heart-rending performance. For anyone who wants their appetite for this important work whetted anew, I strongly recommend this. Perhaps it is the pure Polishness of the performers -- one feels this is the whole tragic 20th century history of Poland being unfolded before one. Quite marvellous. 36 of 36 people found the following review helpful By A Customer This review is from: G�recki: Symphony No.3 (Audio CD) This is a dark and sombre symphony but don't let that put you off. If ever a piece of music was guaranteed to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, this is it. You can feel the pain in Gorecki's music and Kozlowska's voice simply soars. An essential CD for your collection. 19 of 19 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: G�recki: Symphony No.3 (Audio CD) This is a moving and cleanly recorded performance. Koslowska has a more vibrant and emotive voice than the more familiar and rather over-played 'Clasic FM' version. She beautifully conveys more of the pain and feeling that lie behind the piece. These are 'Sorrowful Songs', and complete serenity, after all, may not be what most people associate with holocaust. The Warsaw Philharmonic too have obvious reasons to put their heart into this powerful music. This is a haunting recording. |
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