Sunday, April 22, 2012

→ Buy Cheap Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture - Cheap Price!

Brand: ASIN#:B00004STPT Manufacturer:Decca
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Product Name : Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture

Gladiator: Music from the Motion PictureLISA GERRARD/HANS ZIMMER Music From The Motion Picture Gladiator (2000 Mexican 17-track soundtrack CD picture sleeve and still factory sealed with Precio Especial shrink!)Back in the Golden Age of the Hollywood epic, composer Miklós Rózsa lavished much scholarly research on his scores for Quo Vadis (1951), Ben-Hur (1959), El Cid (1961) and others, gracing those movies with music that had as its wellspring authentic (or at least authentic-sounding) melodies from the period. For Ridley Scott's revival of the Roman epic, Gladiator, Hans Zimmer eschews such learned academia in favour of his own more contemporary, wall-of-sound approach ( Read More »

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Product Review : Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture
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57 of 58 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A musical banquet for the soul, a voyage through emotions!, 23 May 2000
By A Customer
This review is from: Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture (Audio CD)
What can I say? I saw the GLADIATOR movie on the Saturday and bought the soundtrack on the Monday. To those who haven't seen it, please go and experience this true cinematic masterpiece. The score is literally breathtaking, Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard at their very best. I'm a 21 year old guy who's taste in music you would call average, Hard House, dance, Indy etc. Towards the end of the movie, the music was so amazingly refreshing and enchanting that I just broke down and cried like never before, right there in the cinema. The music touched an emotional chord deep inside and it's a moment I shall never forget. After buying the soundtrack I went home, put the CD in the player and lay on my bed. When the tracks ELYSIUM, HONOUR HIM and NOW WE ARE FREE came on, I broke down again and cried long after the songs had finished. They would have to be the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard, literally. I cry every time I hear it now! I highly recomend this album to... Read more
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46 of 47 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Hauntingly captivating, 31 Oct 2006
One word, 'WOW', this was magnificent. If you are a fan of the movie, the second disc in this collection contains the famous quotes from the characters in the movie, Joaquin PHOENIX, Russell CROWE and the late great Richard HARRIS. The tempo is exactly the same, nothing in the musical content has been altered, only extended versions with the actors voice overs, "FATHER TO A MURDERED SON, HUSBAND TO A MURDERED WIFE, I WILL HAVE MY VENGENCE, IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT."

The first disc is the original release of the soundtrack. Usually, you have a few tracks that you do not care for, Gladiator contains the images you love, in the music.

Hans Zimmer, there are not many that can hold to your talent, my hat is off to you.
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33 of 34 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars No other word than Beautiful, 8 Oct 2001
Mr B N Gates (Southend on Sea, Essex United Kingdom) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture (Audio CD)
Some people find it hard to give music the description of beauty. Listening to this score will change anyone's perception of music forever. It is amazing, it grafts every possible emotion together to form an overall montage of defining beauty. Tracks such as "Progeny", "Wheat" and "Sorrow" link the true essence of what both this score and the film is about, together, giving clear indication of the emotions felt. Then there are tracks such as "the battle" and "the glory of Rome" that are filled with such exhilirating power that will soar your soul to new heights. And then, there are the three final tracks, which to me make one track - "Elysium", "Honor him" and "Now We Are Free" and what truly makes this score beautiful, they combine the purity of vocal and instrumental sounds to give an angelic, unforgettable finale to the album. Zimmer is fantastic in every thing he does, and this just goes to show the... Read more
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