Brand: ASIN#:B000024HL1 Manufacturer:ECM New Series
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Product Name : Pärt: Alina
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Product Review : Pärt: Alina
33 of 33 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: P�rt: Alina (Audio CD) There are five tracks on this disc but in a sense only two pieces of music; but this is more than a smart piece of conmanship on the part of ECM. This is minimalist music and here the idea of a mirror comes into play. There are differences in the performance of each piece, each time it appears and given the relative simplicity of each piece the differences prove to be crucial. I am a Part fan but even by his standards this is distilled to the nth degree. The piano piece (Fur Alina) is seminal here, ushering in Part's obsession with bell-like sounds. The sheet music for the piece is baffling at first - it looks so spare, is technically so easy to play, but what does it mean? Listen to these performances and be spellbound. A seeming paucity of musical material does not lead to boredom. On the contrary I had to time the disc to ensure that it is the length stated on the cover. If you give yourself and your fullest attention to this music it becomes something of a meditation -... Read more 23 of 23 people found the following review helpful By (Southampton, United Kingdom) - See all my reviews This review is from: P�rt: Alina (Audio CD) In the sleeve notes Part writes about his music being 'white' so that the listener can bring his own 'colours' to it. Exactly. The three versions of spiegel im spiegel are almost transcendental and they are very difficult to get out of your head after you've listened to them, and even then never completely. Norman Lebrecht, in the latest edition of his book on 20th century music, is so dismissive of the piece that one wonders if the man had his wits about him when he was listening to it. I do not understand why there aren't more opportunities to hear Part's stuff live. I once had the unexpected pleasure of hearing, at Southampton University's Turner Sims, a small string ensemble perform a piece which I had only previously heard with piano and violin. To hear a piece one knows and loves played ever so slightly differently is quite something, as this record perfectly demonstrates. 28 of 29 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: P�rt: Alina (Audio CD) I have always been one for Rachmaninov myself, but on hearing this delightful work, I think I may of changed my mind. You might even say that I had forgotten how beautiful simplicity could be, without ornamentation, without a lush embrace of a 20+ note chord (part dissonance, part assonance) filling space with a ring of grandeur. These 5 pieces each have their own grandeur, their own pride, which is realised through the sparcity of colour. Do sit quietly and listen to this work. Listen to the silences, the breaths between the notes, the expression in the phrases. I am sure if you do, you will be rewarded with a pleasure which only good music can bring you. |
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