Brand: ASIN#:B002LSI6DW Manufacturer:Sony Music
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Product Name : Harmony
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Product Review : Harmony
11 of 11 people found the following review helpful By Constanza (Ireland) - See all my reviews This review is from: Harmony (Audio CD) The Priest's second disk produces a glorious and assured sound from 3 singers who are always musical. Content wise, there is something for everyone, from the anthem "You'll Never Walk Alone", to a stunning Pergolesi "Stabat Mater" to the charming "King of Kings" written by The Priests.It is a delight to listen to singers who know how to sing.On this disc, there are no vocal vocal gimmicks, no over-use of vibrato, just beautiful music making from well used and suported voices. BRAVO!!!!!! Here's to Album 3. 57 of 61 people found the following review helpful By starquester (forest of dean) - See all my reviews This review is from: Harmony (Audio CD) What can one say? These three uber talented men of the cloth have done it again. Their previous work touched the heights of spiritual transcendance and resonated long after the final bars had echoed into the distance. With this work they've raised the bar still further towards the heavens. The emotional weight of these haunting songs must be heard to be believed. Sublime musical arrangements fused with voices straight from the soul. Their burgeoning alternative careers may be their parishioner's loss but in terms of sheer lyrical wonderment, we are all winners. 23 of 25 people found the following review helpful By lyrical eve (yearning wood) - See all my reviews This review is from: Harmony (Audio CD) As the pace of modern life increases, it is a pleasing duty to report that here is a collection of songs that, for a brief time, can re-connect us with the spiritual side of life. There is something quite magical about the blend of these three voices. Harmony is a most appropriate title for this beautiful and diverse group of melodies, enhanced by the measured voices of the three priests.I'd consider this one of the best albums I've ever listened to. Over the years to come it will be one which I believe will be the soundtrack to contemplation and the accompanyment to relaxation and reflection This is so much greater than the sum of its parts and is food for the soul. |
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Product Title : Harmony
Product Title : Harmony
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